This book of personal testimony and thoughtful instruction to the reader IS A MUST READ FOR ANYONE WHO IS INCARCERATED!! We make it available here for a small fee which includes shipping to any inmate, anywhere in the United States.
Blaine J. Gravel is a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ affiliated with The Missionary Church International. Mr. Gravel is originally from the Pocono Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania
but has lived in South Louisiana since relocating in 1982. After marrying way-up, he is a step-dad to two fine young men. His love for the
Word of God and the enlightenment gained from Christian books came partially from the years that he owned and operated a Christian Bookstore. He knows well that without faith it is impossible to please God, and "as you believe, so shall you receive. You don't understand your way to belief, you believe your way to understanding."